Another year, 2010 - the time is going much too fast for me, and my babies are not babies anymore. I had a bunch of New Years 'resolutions' - or as I like to call, them "Bad Mommy: Things I Need to Work on in 2010".
1. No more bottles. Yes, my two year olds still used a bottle for milk before bed. OKAY and first thing in the morning. Charlotte especially was so attached, she loved her milk (we would refer to her as Milky Cabrera), and I've tried (half heartedly) to get her to drink it out of a cup in the past with absolutely no success. And it made me sad to think of my girls as too big for bottles.
Current status: I forced myself to throw all the bottles away a week ago. It hasn't been easy - Charlotte is not happy, she won't drink the milk out of a cup, and asks me for a bottle every day. But at least I can say we are finally bottle free. SO CHECK on this one.
2. No more highchairs. My girls are so tall they were literally getting stuck going in and out of their highchairs. But again, I didn't want to let them go.
This seems like yesterday....
Current status: Today, finally, we put the highchairs in the garage and the girls sat and ate at the kitchen table (in booster seats). This one was easier than the bottles because they were thrilled with their 'big girl' chairs. so CHECK on this one too.
3. Start potty training. Um, yeah, well... dreading this. I wrote months ago about buying the potties, but haven't done much with it since. The girls both give signs of being very ready, they want to sit on the potty, they tell me when they poop (and will frequently tell me when the OTHER one poops), Katie is dry after most naps... but I just have no desire to do this. I don't even know where to start.
Current Status: Okay, well, I bought them a book about going potty that makes flushing sounds. And also some Pull Ups at Costco yesterday, if that counts for anything. I guess this is my next project. CRAP. (
There were more, but this is enough bad mommy humiliation for now.
Other things that have been going on around here this past week....
Charlotte hit her face on the bookshelf and scared me to death, I thought she cracked her head open she hit it so hard. Poor baby.:
Katie's tea parties continue, even in restaraunts:
We went ice skating yesterday (without actual skates). Katie and Charlotte both loved it, and keep talking about how it was slippery and so cold. We even made a little local news website:

And of course, we remembered and missed Jack. Thank you all for the kind words, and for thinking of him (and us). For me, New Years will forever mean just another year further away from Jack.
Am completely avoiding the potty training as well. I know it will be awful...oh and am terribly impressed with the kitchen table/plates/utensils combo. Very grown up girls!
We've missed your posts! And reading your "Bad Mommy" resolutions just makes all of us feel better because we're in the same boat, just different's good to know other moms put things off too...Happy New Year!
Ok, as long as were talking bad mommy issues…I have 2 ½ yr old twin boys and we are JUST now putting away the bottles… I figured; they aren’t going to go to college w/ bottles so what’s the rush… they were ready and more to the point I was finally ready… so as of this weekend we are a bottle free home as well!!! I think I got potties right after you did and I too have done nothing, mine tell me when they go and sometimes before they go….. I need get some guidance, so I’ll check in to see how you’re doing! What’s the name of the book w/ the flushing sounds…. That sounds like it would be a hit in our house!
I found this and of course it made me think of your sweet Jack.
Happy New Year!
Not that I know anything about kids or babies, but what if you called a cup "Big Girl Bottle" or something like that?
And I know plenty of other people who are delaying on the potty training. So do not feel too bad. You are doing an amazing job with these little girls.
You are doing a great job! No bab mummy posts coming from you!!
Toilet training- is not so hard with girls :D
You are doling great Megan!! Baby steps come before running...give yourself and the girls some time to adjust to the no bottles. I'm sure they LOVE sitting in their Big Girl seats!!!! I've potty trained two girls, but not twins. There are many different ways to start. The "all or nothing" way: put big girl panties on and go from there. You might spend your whole day asking, "Lala, do you have to go potty? Katie, do you?" and whether they say yes or no, you put them on the potty. They may not like being in wet pants if they have an accident. Or you can do the pull up thing. They're two...not 20. Try starting off slow. If they ask to sit on the potty, let them. They might surprise you!!! We had a "goody" bag my girls got to pick from with little surprises each time they were successful!! What worked for me or the next person, might not work for you and your girls. You'll do fine!! If they get to be 4 and are still having might be time to call in Nanny Deb!!! Good luck!!!
I've never posted, but I have a soft spot in my heart for your Jack and your blog. :) I took away the bottle on September 5th from my twins, and that was the last day Isaac drank milk. He used to drink his bottle really slowly, so the smart mom I am, thought, oh, he just likes to enjoy his bottle. Whereas my daughter inhaled hers. I figured out he really never liked milk in the first place...and we tried strawberry/chocolate, etc. Anyway you're not the only one who feels like a bad mom... ;)
Ours is almost three and has no interest in potty training. I'm going by his signals, since I've heard it is much easier if you wait until the kid is for sure ready. I've been thinking about your family a lot the past few days. My 9 month old daughter was admitted to the hospital yesterday with RSV, and every time I see her all hooked up to the monitors and oxygen, I think of Jack. I am sure he is here watching over her and all the babies here.
Don't stress! M&L didn't drop their bottle until they were 25m. We did the cold turkey thing too.We let them pick out special sippies- their big girl cups. And potties are over rated :P We're going to start for real at 2.5 (which is February eek). If they want to use it, sweet. You can let them go bare bottoms with those baby legs to keep them warm. They will learn the feeling of having to go- and they won't pee on the floor or leak through training pants or underpants! Good luck with everything :)
You are NOT a baby Mommy! You are an amazing Mommy! One step at a time is what I see. Just keep loving them and doing the things you are doing!
I am proud and amazed by you always! xoxo, Jenni
Where did you find the backyardigan placemats?? I have been looking all over for a placemat for my 2 year old!
Thank you ladies for all the understanding and suggestions - I appreciate it so much.
The placemats are from Buy Buy Baby - they had tons of cute ones for little kids. :)
If that girl wakes up dry, put her on the potty. I would just do one potty training at a time and lastly, forget the pull ups. Your daughters will still think of them as diapers...sorry, you need cute little underpants that will let them feel the pee run down their leg! You can do it!
So...I've potty trained a lot of kids. A LOT. In regular and special education classrooms. Could not potty train my own daughter. So I took the path of least resistance, and hung my head in shame. Except that she completely and totally nailed it in less than 4 days when SHE was ready. No 3 Day Potty Training, no sit on the potty until your poor little bum is asleep, none of it. Just waiting until she was ready was the magic bullet for us. Set a low bar for me as a mother, but I think I'll save the power struggles for later, like when body piercings are involved.
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