In the past four days I've....
made three trips to the pediatrician
one trip to the emergency room and
four trips to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions.
Yeah. One of those weeks.
Charlotte has pneumonia, and it's been scary. My poor sweet little LaLa in the last month has had roseola, an ear infection, and now this. She can't catch a break.
She seems a little better today so I'm HOPING we've turned a corner.
My parents took Katie yesterday for the day so I could concentrate on Charlotte and they ended up keeping her for the night (did I mention we had a snowstorm too? Yep, that was great also. Not really). Anyway, it was so strange having one child. So, well, dull. I couldn't believe how much I missed Katie, even taking into consideration how, let's say, difficult she's been lately. (Difficult as in threw a tantrum in the middle of CVS that involved her taking off her shoes and throwing them at me, among many many other incidents.)
When they were apart they acted like they didn't miss the other one at all. But once they were back home together tonight, it was obvious that they had... Katie kept hugging Charlotte, and they ran around the living room chasing each other, giggling and squealing and singing and talking.
They are quite the duo, and they are so lucky to have each other.
And I am the luckiest one of all.
They are so cute. I really hope the rest of the week starts going better for you. It sounds rough. HUGS
Such cuties! Hope they're back to 100% really soon. :)
When it rains, it pours, right? Sorry you all had such a rough week. Here's to hoping everyone feels a little better with all the holidays rolling around! :)
Sure hope you all can kick the sick bug OUT by Christmas! Such a hard time of the year with all the other stuff we as parents are responsible for! Stay well yourself......that'll sink the ship for sure if you get sick!
Adorable photos. I hope Charlotte feels better soon!
So sorry Lala has been so sick. It sure does take a toll on the entire family. Your girls are so lucky to have each other and even more lucky to have you for their Mom!!! You are great!! Happy holidays, I love the pics!!!
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