My children. Husband. Home. Family.
For all of you.
For the unending love that continues to go out to Jack. For everyone who keeps him alive.
For the best job in the world, taking care of two crazy, adorable, hilarious girls,
and a husband who works two jobs so that I get to do the job I love.
For a good nights sleep
and Chipotle chips and guacamole
and the word "Mama! Mama! Mama!" said over....and over... and over again.
For my Keurig coffee maker
and online shopping (you try shopping in a store with two toddlers. Really, try.)
and Glee
and Cadbury Eggs - at Christmas!
For pink fuzzy slippers
and sloppy baby kisses
and Starbucks Gingerbread Lattes
and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star sung by two year olds.
For It's a Wonderful Life
and Christmas lights that make Charlotte say "Ooooh... pretty!!"
and swings and slides and monkey bars
and hearing Alicia Keys sing Jack's song. Any time, and every time.
Thankful to love and be loved.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Two tired girls, after a long Turkey Day.
Happy Thanksgiving to you & your darling girls. Happy Thanksgiving to your darling Jack.
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