Charlotte has had a fever since Thursday morning (she probably had one during the night Wednesday but I didn't realize it). She has NO other symptoms... no cough. No runny nose. Throat looks good. Ears look good. I've spent a LOT of time at the pediatricians and they just don't know what's wrong with her. She acts fine until the fever hits about 104.... then it gets scary. Motrin brings it down, but it was only getting it down to around 102. Crazy how 101 degrees starts to seem low.
Today was a bit better- she had no fever this morning, then it came back this afternoon but only to 103 (only 103! crazy), and the Motrin brought it down completely. I'm praying it will be gone tomorrow, because if she STILL has a fever that's day four and the pediatrician said I've got to bring her back in. Which I dread.
Let me tell you - the 'sick' waiting room at a pediatrician's office is NOT a pretty place right now. I saw puke. Twice. I put so much hand sanitizer on Charlotte I think she may have gotten a small buzz off it. I can only hope we didn't catch anything worse from our hours spent there (part of which was while we were waiting to try and catch LaLa's pee in a bag.... I even went out and bought her a Sprite because she didn't want to drink anything... and she peed all right... but not one drop went into the bag. OF COURSE).
Poor Katie, while not sick (THANK YOU GOD) is what I lovingly call "my hemorrhoid" and normally sticks to me like glue every waking moment. All the time I've spent away from her the last few days, not to mention the attention I've paid to Charlotte, and the time poor LaLa has spent on my lap, has left Miss Katie none too happy. Some days I just need two of me - or a much bigger lap.
Anyway, I hope hope hope my poor baby is better tomorrow. And Katie doesn't catch it. And I get my life back. And I don't end up with typhoid from sitting in that waiting room....
Some pics from happier times, also known as Wednesday. :)
is she getting any teeth? have they checked her for bladder or kidney infection?
signed ~ a canadian ER nurse
Is it Roseola? 2 of my girls had a high fever for a couple of days then it broke and the rash appeared on the torso. Nothing you can do for it, just wait it out. During the fever they were showed no other symptoms. Just a thought. Hope she is better by morning.
I'm thinking roseola, too. My son had the exact same symptoms. Fever broke after 3 days -- then 24hours later, the lovely rash came. It only for another day or two, though. Sending Charlotte "Get well quick!" wishes! You are right... it does feel like time stops when you have a sick child.
On another note, love your blog!
Maybe it's roseola?
I assume that they are checking for UTI. We have had a few fevers with nothing else and we were also told that it was a virus. We had Anna in the ER over the summer with that - I was convinced it was a kidney infection.
I hope she is feeling better - fevers are scary things.
Poor little thing and poor mommy. I hope she is feeling much better today and that you get a little break.
I haven't ever posted before, but I've kept up with your story for awhile now. My 18 month old, who's name is also Charlotte btw, had the same thing about a month and half ago and we never figured out what it was. That was after 2 doctor visits, flu swab, bladder cath, chest x-ray, and bloodwork. High spiking fever for 5 days. And then it was gone. Hopefully your Charlotte will get rid of her fever soon and will be all fine too! It scared me, but it apparently was just a virus of some kind.
My 2-and-a-half year old son had the same thing a couple months ago. He had a really high fever for 5 days, but no other symptoms (except of course he was lethargic, and eating less than normal). No coughing or runny nose or throwing up or anything. The doc said "it's a virus" (which I swear is what we hear every single time we go!). And it cleared up on its own, with no intervention.
There were a few cases of fifths disease going around his daycare class, but he never got the rash that's supposed to go with that. Who knows.
Here's hoping your little one is back to normal soon.
I hear you on the waiting room at the ped. It was UGLY the other day when we were there. I tried to hold Sal for as long as my arms would hold out. Hope Charlotte is feeling better now!
I have the same thing going on here with my daughter although I haven't taken her to the pedi because I swear whenever I do take one of my kids there they all get something worse! So far we are on 48 hours of up and down fevers???? No other symptoms except crankiness!
Has she had a flu shot within the last 14 or so days? That could be a DEFINITE reaction. Hope your baby feels better soon:( Theres no feeling worse than that feeling of helplessness when there is nothing you can do to make your sick child feel better.
I wanted to tell you my son had the IDENTICAL thing. After day 6 he broke out in a rash that lasted one day, and the fever was gone. It was just a virus... hang in there
My kids had the same exact thing a few weeks ago. Aaron spiked at 103.8 and Jill was at a very scary 105.8 and the lowest we could get it was 101.8 until it finally broke. They put mine on antibiotics because they also saw puss on their tonsils. After the fever finally went down they both broke out in head to toe rashes (soooooo gross). They are totally fine now, but it was the craziest illness, ever.
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