We're not sitting here...nope, no way, no sir.... hey WAIT!! is that a DOG??
Wow. What a great dog! I love him, don't you? Oh, I do, I do!
Alright well, that's it. Dog's gone. This is stupid. I'm out.
Funniest part of it is that they were waving at our neighbor's HUGE dog and yelling "CAT! CAT!" They think every animal is a cat.
We went to my nephew's 2nd birthday party today, and it was really the first time we left the house all week because, yet again, the girls were sick. We are all losing our marbles. It was a long long week.
Monday, it snowed. We took the girls out in it for a little bit, and they weren't huge fans. Especially Charlotte. She immediately tried to claw her way back into the house...
A girl after my own heart.
The rest of the week was just a blur of snot and misery. Lots of fighting over toys and juice cups and mommy's lap and the firetruck...
Katie muscling Charlotte to GET OFF!! My turn! MINE!
And trying to keep ourselves entertained by doing things like this:
Funny hats!! AND boogers!! Good times, good times.
Come on spring, we're ready for you. Have I said that already? Because this time, I really really mean it.
Are the girls identical? I have never ask that and haven't gone back far enough in your posts to see if that has been asked. At any rate, they are absolutely adorable. I am grandmother to 3 1/2 y/o identical girl twins. So much fun! I truly enjoy your blog. Keep it up, it helps to read about to real world too!.
Sharan, RN
My niece is the same way but called all animals dog a few months ago when she was their age. She would come over and yell 'hi dog! hi dog!' to all our cats!
LOVE the pic, hey, yooo hoo, helllloooooooooo....lol. THe one waving at the "cat" ahaha! Too funny! I hate winter too. Spring is in exactly 12 days!!!!!!!!!
I feel ya' Charlotte-I definitely do not enjoy the snow.
Your girls get cuter every day!
Funny hats and boogers - I love it! Hang in there girls Spring will be here soon :)
I"m glad mine aren't the only ones fighting a lot. Hope they're feeling better now!
Awww! Love the pics and the cat-dog story. :)
I love the pictures. They are so adorable with their pigtails. Love it!!!
Oh my! I love the girls and the dog pictures!!!!! Hope all are better soon and Spring comes fast!
Ah the snot! G looked exactly the same all week long. It's been torture. So funny they think every animal is a cat. G thinks everything is a dog. I guess whatever you have is what they think everything is! Too cute!
The girls are just ADORABLE :) Love the picture attempts!
we are in an i hate sitting to get our picture taken together phase here too. coupled with the short attention spans and the shoots usually inspire mass chaos :) in fact, one of the little ones took off down the sidewalk the other day to chase a dog so they could say hello. the pictures are adorable, sorry about all the snot. hopefully spring will be here soon!
OH, I am so with you on spring. It was warm all weekend, but we are expecting ANOTHER storm. The girls have been lucky not to get sick, but I haven't been. :(
Those girlies are super cute!
I agree ready for spring! So ready!
It was very spring like in PA today.
Your girls are precious! I love coming to your website to see them and read an update!
OMG the pigtails!! I am dying over here! Dying!!
The picture of both of them looking at the dog sideways is actually gorgeous. So not so bad, after all.
We have been putting the exact same headbands on the girls to amuse ourselves, too. Good times.
<3 Their pics are so cute, even the snotty nose, angry ones!
That third picture down is SO CUTE. They look so excited and happy to see the "dog".
Love the dresses the girls have on! Mine love to shove each other off toys too, or, just park themselves on it and squeeze the other one off- its precious isn't it?
I love the pics of the girls...at least you were able to get them to sit for it...even if they were waving to the dog.
I'm glad to see the photo of the fight over who's riding on the toy. Mine are into enforcing turns too, with one screaming "Share!" at the other one while they hold on for dear life and scream for me. Spring is coming, it really is. :)
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