The girls still look SO different to me, but more and more people stop me and say "Oh, they're so identical!" To you maybe! But then I look at other identicals (like Pam's triplet boys) and they all look really the same to me, so maybe that's how my girls look to other people.
So here's some pictures taken today:
The girls are dressed the same (which I almost never do!) so that's no help to anyone (no guessing Charlotte is the one in pink). Both girls have two teeth now so the teeth aren't a clue either. They are in the same spot in all pictures (meaning I didn't switch them around for extra confusion - the one on the left stayed on the left, and rightie stayed right, if you get what I mean).
Whether you can tell or not - they do look awfully cute, don't they?
Katie is on the left, Charlotte on the right?
Uh! Honestly, to me, they are totally identical; I can't tell! I feel like a bad blogfriend for not being able to tell them apart. Sorry!
charlotte is on the right.
i can see where people think they're identical, but i've been a lurker/infrequent poster on your blog for a loooong time and to me they look different. but quite cute, both of them :)
I think Charlotte is on the right and Katie is on the left. I think Charlotte has a more distinct face... to me.
After reading your blog from start to finish, it was like reading a book and I'm sometimes able to tell them apart. Though they do look pretty similar!!!
I totally can't tell. But they're really pretty :)
They are beyond cute... absolutely beautiful little princesses! I'm not even going to try to tell them apart. I still can't tell apart my 5 yr. old identical nephews and I see them all the time! :)
I think Katie's on the left, and Charlotte's on the right. (But I had to go back to previous pictures and compare.)
They are totally precious!
They look so much alike now!!! So darn cute! Katie on the left, Charlotte on the right.
Katie on the left, Charlotte on the right
Charlotte on the right and Katie on the left...although, it could be the other way around!
i'm going to GUESS katie on the left, and charlotte on the right, but i have a 50/50 chance of getting it right... they do look a LOT alike. way more alike than i think they did when they were born. whereas mine are looking less alike, i think. i mean, i still can't tell them apart most of the time...
oh yeah, and in response to your comment in my post - taking the girls to atlantic city sounds like fun - i took my boys to bourbon street last weekend! heh.
The look more than awfully cute. And yes, now we are totally confused because they are both wearing pink. I am not sure which one is which but I know I love these little girls and have never met them in person. They are growing so fast. Good job Mom :)
I think that Katie is on the right and Charlotte is on the left, but I am the only one who seems to think so!!
I agree with some-Katie on left and Charlotte on right. They do make different facial expressions, but also look identical sometimes.
I think Charlotte is on the right and Katie is on the left. Identical twins can still look different. I went to school with two boy who were identical and yet you could still tell them apart. One was skinny with a long face and the other was roly polly with a round face But still identical. :) You better think they look different,,, they're your babies .LOL
I don't have a FLIPPIN clue. It' a good thing you're their mom!! :)
They're gorgeous! Facing the pic, I'd say Charlotte on the right, Katie on left...
Charlotte on the right and Katie on the left.
I think they look idential - but different. But it does help to know that Charlotte always wears pink :)
I have no clue but they are cute!!!
I thought I could tell them apart in all the pictures... and then I looked back through the blog and the one I was sure was Katie was sometimes Charlotte =) and vice versa!!! So I would say that - they never look identical to me in any one picture but since I can not always pick them out picture to picture (and I thought I could!)they must be more identical looking then I thought!!
My guess is Katie on the left and Charlotte on the right like most of the other guesses - wish I could go the other way because then it would be more impressive if I was correct =)
PS: Have to agree they are absolutely matter which one is which =)
I say Katie on the left, Charlotte on the right :) And I had my decision made BEFORE I saw the blog comments....
Charlotte is on the right, Katie is on the left? If I'm right... I based my answer on their cheeks. I always feel like their cheeks/smile is different. They are both so beautiful!!
Very cute!
Oh so cute! katie is on the left and Charlotte is on the right.
Katie on the right and charlotte on the left
Katie is on the left, Charlotte is on the right. Katie's cheeks are just a tad fuller than Charlotte's. Both are absolutely beautiful!
Charlotte on the left, Katie on the right!
I can't tell them apart boys are identical, but to me the mom I think they look nothing alike.
my guess
katie on the left, charlotte on the always they are ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know...they are pretty identical!! One thing I'm sure of, they are both so ADORABLE!
I vote Charlotte on the right and Katie on the left!
I'm guessing Charlotte is on the right!
Ok, can't tell. I have twin nieces who are almost 4 now and I still can't tell them apart. I am always like, which one are you?
Too cute!
Charlotte on the left, Katie on the right
Katie on the left and Charlotte on the right. The birthmark on Katie's forehead is the only way I could tell.
Charlotte is on the left and Katie is on the right
You might be happy to hear that until now I never realized they were identical. Am I an idiot? They just each have so much personality. And they're adorable, as usual!
Charlotte is on the right, Karie is on the left, or is Katie on the right and Charlotte on the left, No wait, its Charlotte on the right and Katie on the left, no wait, its UGHHHHHHH
I am going to say Charlotte is on the right just because mostly everyone else did. In all seriousness, your girls are just as cute a they can be!
Wishing you peaceful days ahead!!
Katie on the left and Charlotte on the right.
They do look awfully cute.
they look different, but i don't know who's who. BUT, but my brothers are twins (identiccal status unknown, u/s weren't done early enough then) and everyone always thought they were identical. People always think similar, same sex kids look alike!
I had my mind made up prior to reading the other comments, but it seems like I am agreeing with the majority....Katie on left and Charlotte on right.
Either way you slice it.....cute and cute, adorable and adorable, so darn fun and so darn fun....just so beautiful! This was fun!
katie on left, charlotte on right
Charlotte Left, Katie Right. And yes they are adorable (when are they not!?!?)
I *think* Charlotte's on the right and Katie's on the left but it's really just a guess. I have to say that the older they get, the more they look alike to me.
Ok.. so I'm coming in late, but I have a guess.. Charlotte on the right,and Katie on the left.. and that is as I'm looking at the picture..
They're so cute.. I hope to meet them in person some day-- I *have* to hear them giggle "live", LOL!
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