We took the girls to see their Cardiologist on Friday (who we LOVE). Katie's heart looks the same, which is good. What's wrong with it will really never get better on it's own, but the heart itself is still looking fine, not stressed or enlarged, so we keep waiting for her to get a little bigger until they fix it. We go back in June, and her doctor said they will probably do the procedure in the summer.
He also looked at Charlotte's heart for me, just because I've become one of those neurotic mothers who can't sleep thinking about all the things that could be wrong with her babies (is Charlotte's head too big? Or is Katie's too small? Is Charlotte too sensitive? Does Katie sleep TOO much? Does Charlotte poop too much? You get the idea...). And - thank god - Charlotte's heart is perfect. Little tough Charlotte.
Sunday was my nephew Owen's first birthday, and also two months since Jack died. Kind of a hard day for us. We took the girls to Owen's party, and of course got them all decked out in party finery. Found out that Charlotte definitely does NOT like tights. I told her this is nothing little girl, wait until you have on a push up bra, Spanx and high heels, then you can complain. Didn't change her opinion on the tights.
So let's add that to the list of THINGS CHARLOTTE DOES NOT LIKE:
Being hungry, being tired, being cold, hats, cold formula, vibrating seats, wet diapers, and tights.
And for good measure, THINGS KATIE DOES NOT LIKE:
Being hungry. Yep.
Charlotte at the PAR-TAY:
Katie, showing her underpants at the PAR-TAY:
Hey Charlotte, how's that hand taste?
March and April are really busy for us - there's St. Patrick's Day Parades, my birthday, Easter, a bunch of family birthdays.... Miss Charlotte had better suck it up because I see lots of tights-wearing events in her future.
In Miss Katie news, she's a babbling fool. She talks talks talks.... sometimes she talks while she's eating her bottle even. She has a lot to say already. Proof of Katie's talkativeness. She was having a looooong conversation with Elmo on the television.
That's about it. We're officially dull, old, parents. We watch Jeopardy every night and shout out the answers. We talk about poop constantly. PJ falls asleep on the couch at 9 pm. We had a baby-free afternoon on Saturday and we used it to... go to Costco. How did this happen to us?
Glad to hear I'm not the lone member of the dull, boring, predictable club....WELCOME! It's not sooo bad, really. I mean, Costco changes it's inventory every couple weeks, so we have THAT to look forward to! =)
Welcome to the old boring club! We're "Wheel of Fortune" people ourselves. We watch during our dinners, that we eat off our tv trays. Geesh that sounds sad when you type it. HaHa!
Heck, we only have one and our nights sound about the same as yours! I love the pictures. The girls are getting so big! I'm glad I'm not the only one that has those conversations with the baby all day long.
So cool to see Katie in action. :)
The girls looked so precious all dolled up. And Katie really is super chatty, so cute! :)
oh my gosh...that video was great. I am going through the same thing with our twins (born 10/16/07 @ 31w6d). They are such little chatter boxes!
I know what you mean by being old, dull parents. You are not alone in that boat....
Charlotte and Katie are sooo precious! I love reading about them and seeing their pictures/videos. Funny thing about tights... I remember my mom "making me" wear them when I was little and I hated it then... and hate it now! However, if I have a daughter she will definitely be wearing tights all the time! They are just so cute on little baby girls. :)
Thanks for bringing a smile to my face when reading your entry. BTW, Wheel of Fortune is the highlight of our evenings now. Seriously. :)
You and the girls look gorgeous at the party.
You know you can make Jeopardy more interesting. Mike and I play against each other. Whoever loses has to change the next round of poopy diapers. Whooo! You will be living in the fast lane then!
Oh yeah.. life gets a little dul, lol! That video of Katie is HILARIOUS.. sooo cute!!
The girls are SO cute, and their outfits are adorable. Hubby and I are pretty dull ourselves...at least the writer's strike is finally over. Now maybe we have some new post-kid-in-bed TV shows again. :)
--A Mom in Jacksonville, FL
You make me laugh...I truly love reading your blog.
hey megan! the girls are getting so big and so cute!! I know what you mean about your life being being and dull, welcome to the club. my excitement each week is going out to get milk, etc. at Bj's...LOL
It's so good to hear your girls are getting big and are healthy. they are adorable!!
Add me to the club. But with 4 kids I suppose it can be expected. I most definitely don't have a life any more. The girls looked gorgeous BTW. Loved the video of Katie 'talking'.
they are so cute. don't they know how CUTE they look in tights? and those sweaters, man! would it be wrong to dress my boys as girls? just every once in a while? :D
love katie chattering away to elmo. :D
We watch Jeopardy too. LOL. We are boring too and we only have one baby to take care of.
Megan- they are just adorable in their party wear! Katie is too cute talking to Elmo.
they are the best dressed girls ever! Charlotte's facial expressions are just hysterical.
Your girls are so precious! And I love your advice to Charlotte about spanx and push up bras. I still cry when I put them on.
I LOVE COSTCO! I was just there today. My question is, did you have dinner there? You can feed a family of 4 for $3 there! ; )
Also, I completely understand having the other baby's heart checked. My feeling is better safe than sorry and you'll sleep better knowing rather than wondering.
Now one more thing. I really hate to add to your list of things to worry about. Here comes the big BUT.... But, has anyone (the pediatrician) mentioned anything about their eyes. They don't look like they are lining up right. I tend to look at stuff like this because my 7yo son had this problem with his eyes and just had surgery to correct them.
You might want to take them to a pediatric ophthalmologist to have them checked out.
Again, I am sorry to add to your list but I would rather tell you and have you check it out. I would hate to keep my concern quiet and have a possible problem go undetected.
If you want to read about my son's surgery I posted about it on my blog.
Pretty little things in their dresses and their tights. Girlfriend will get used to her tights, because really, how else can you pull off such a cute dress in March?
I've been reading your blog for a few months now, ever since I read a post about you on the nest (I'm nestie kturchin). Your story and your children have truly touched my heart. I know you don't feel like it sometimes, but you are such a strong person and such a great role model for your daughters. They are very lucky to have a woman with such strength to be their mom and they will learn so much from you.
Also, it's been said already, but welcome to the club! We have a 16 month old daughter and still all we really talk about is her! It's sad but wonderful at the same time!!
The girls are beautiful and it looks like they had fun:)
Post their status! Or did you and I missed it?
You are just such a pretty mom!
I am with Charlotte, tights suck. Makily's hates them too. She has only worn them like five times in her life and she hasnt forgiven me for it either!
Glad little Katie's heart is holding up well. Praying for that daily. She obviously has much to talk to Elmo about and isnt ready for any kind of surgery.
Oh honey. I totally know how you feel. My daughter is three but believe me...I've been there. Its very rare that my husband and I get to go out. When we do, its TARGET!! I get excited to go to Target without someone asking...MOMMY!! Can I have that? and that?! And we also, are very big into St. Patty's day. We got a sitter for Monday and I can't be more excited! I wish you and your family the best of luck with everything. I've been reading your blog for quite sometime...since a friend of mine told me about it. You are an incredibly strong woman! We all have our feelings of being low...
You are BEAUTIFUL! Dont ever forget that. xoxo
The girls look so adorable all dressed up!!!
Interesting to know.
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