is the official favorite toy of Christmas 2009. A $9.00 plastic princess tea set that I actually bought two days after Christmas in a sort of spur of the moment 'it's 50% off so what the heck' decision.
I have had about 200 cups of imaginary tea in the last four days. There is a NON STOP tea party going on in my house. WOO HOO it's wild....lol. I am not even sure where the girls learned anything about tea or tea parties though my guess is Max and Ruby (we've watched a lot of it and Ruby loves to throw a tea party complete with matching centerpiece and homemade cookies. She's the Martha Stewart of Nick Jr.)
Honestly, it is just the cutest thing, and I have really been enjoying it. It is also an interesting example of how different my two girls are.
Katie was the first to open the tea set and get to work. She set each of us up with our own tea cup, saucer, and spoon, and made sure they all matched. My set was red, Daddy had the blue, Charlotte got the pink and Katie used the yellow. She put out the little vase with the plastic flower. She poured us tea, asked if we wanted milk, stirred it for us with our matching spoon, gave us our cookies, added sugar, refilled the tea incessantly, warned us it was hot, and would wait for you to say thank you so she could tell you 'you're welcome!"
From that first tea party on she remembered which color cup each of us used and those have become our cups in her mind. I MUST use the red, PJ the blue, etc. This morning we couldn't find Charlotte's pink cup and PJ was still asleep so I said, let LaLa use the blue cup. You'd think I peed in her teapot Katie was so horrified. She told me in no uncertain terms the BLUE cup is DADA'S! She searched everywhere until she found LaLa's pink cup. And you better not try and use the non-matching saucer or spoon. There will be hell to pay.
LaLa on the other hand takes it much less seriously. She gives you whatever. She's given me the sugar bowl to use as my cup, and stirred it with the plastic flower. She pretends to slurp her tea loudly then makes yummy noises. She chews on her little plastic spoon and peeled the Snow White stickers off her pink cup and plate. She actually bites the plastic chocolate chip cookies and thinks it's hysterical to knock over my cup then go "SORRY! SORRY Mama!"
I love it. I love how funny they are, and how much fun they are. And I never knew imaginary tea could be so delicious (though I probably would enjoy it more with real cookies).
Adorable! My girls have a similar Disney tea set that my mother got them a few years ago, and they're still playing with the pieces that they can find :)
So cute! I got a Beauty & The Beast one for my daughter this Christmas. She plays with it every day.
Your kids are hilarious!! I love their expressions.
I love the last picture, Lala I think. What an adorable face/expression! She seems like she'd be such a ham! :)
I love those girls! As everyone's said, their expressions are priceless. But as a two boy mom, I really need a girly girl fix. Can I come for a tea party? Please? You can come here and play toy soldiers, which is what mine are doing as I write this... ;-)
Love it!!!!! So cute!
too cute and the tea set is a hit here with my daughter too.
I absolutely LOVE reading about your girls! It makes my day! And I guess I hadn't thought about Ruby being the Martha Stewart of Nick Jr. but you're right about that! Keep up your Katie and LaLa escapades, they keep me in stitches!!!
Love it!!! We have a FP tea seat but it serves as a weapon. My son had the imprint of a plastic teabag on his head for a few days. I love the pictures- could they be any cuter?
Man! I wish I had gotten that dang thing at 50% off! AND I wish that my girls had HALF the interest in it that your girls do :)
Btw, I nearly peed myself when you said "you'd have thought someone peed in her teapot" LOL!!
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