The upside of toddler-hood - they are really fun. They giggle. They crack each other up. They play peek a boo (relentlessly). They love to give you a high five, or a kiss, or a big hug complete with some pats on the back. They understand what I'm saying, and will go find their favorite book or toy or bottle (YES we are still using bottles and I'm not ashamed... :). They love to dance and 'talk'. They can climb like little monkeys and are so proud of themselves when they do. They are sweet and happy and lovable.
The downside of toddlerhood - They are driving me CRAZY. They have minds of their own now! They don't want to be in their high chair, or stroller, or car seat, they want to run run run! They want to climb and get into everything. They do not listen even though they know what I'm telling them. I can no longer leisurely stroll through the store with them - Katie tries to throw herself out of the stroller while Charlotte rips tags off clothes or kicks food off the shelves. And taking them out to eat... I can't even talk about that.
They are just so COOL though. I love how they are becoming these little people! Katie is still my shy baby, she takes a little while to warm up and likes to have me near by, while Charlotte is off and running, scared of no one and nothing...
Well almost nothing. Tonight we tried giving them a bath in the big tub (yes, we have never put them in the bathtub before, we were still using the baby tub on the kitchen counter... I have trouble letting go!) And Katie, my scaredy cat, loved it - she couldn't get her clothes off fast enough to get in that tub. Charlotte, the daredevil, was terrified - she spent 10 seconds total in the tub before completely freaking out. I think they just like to keep me guessing.
(HERE is where I'd normally insert cute pictures of the girls in the tub. But i broke my camera. I also ran over my stroller with my minivan yesterday. I'm on a roll. It's a crazy house.)
Here's some pictures I took a few days ago, before I dropped my camera in the driveway. Showing my two little monkeys, doing their favorite thing - climbing on their toy box.
The ringleader and head trouble maker, Charlotte, and sweet Katie - the accomplice.
Be on the lookout for these two - they've already escaped from baby jail and were halfway upstairs before I caught them. I wouldn't be surprised to find them strolling down our street next.....
I am amazed daily at how fast they grow up. Mine too are turning into toddlers and are into EVERYTHING!!!!! Super cute pictures.
--Christy the jammies we have the same ones:-)
That is too funny! Maybe you need to move their toy box so that they can't use it to help their cause???? It sounds like you are having a blast with toddlerhood. I wonder if Jack would've been causing trouble right along with them or if he'd be playing with his blocks quietly????
I love the pics, they are hilarious! My two are already starting the tantruming and Alice LAUGHS at me when I tell her no, if you can believe that. Oy!
Just noticed the new header... beautiful!!
Is that Katie giving the look in the second to last picture? I still can't tell them apart. But that look is GREAT, I laughed out loud and can only imagine the personality that comes with it.
gee, sounds like my house!
don't worry about the infant tub. I used it until they were 14 months old too but not in the kitchen sink. LOL Try to enjoy the time!
Haha, I love the picture of Charlotte! She just looks like she has some kind of fun plan! And their pjs are adorable.
I can't believe how easy it is to tell them apart now. Or that you have to do everything in double- if the toddler years are hard with two imagine the teen ones????
I know it is a litte frustrating but how cute are they. The two of them look like they are up to no good and then you take a picture and it is like "who us"!! Unbelievably cute cute cute. Your "fun" has just begun. I am so in love with your little girls. God Bless them. Jack is probably watching over them just laughing his little head off at his silly sisters.
Love from the east side of New Jersey
I once ran over my double stroller on my way to the mall and didn't realize it had been rendered useless. I ended up carrying the baby car seat and holding my toddler boy's hand. I mentioned to the salesclerk what I had done and she looked horrified! I realized that maybe she thought the kids were IN IT at the time! {SIGH}
Enjoy toddlerhood (which it sounds like you are). You will most likely lose your mind, but you'll join an ever-growing club of insane mommies. I like it over here;)
Love that pic of Charlotte!!
And, look at the little curls they're starting to get!
lol megan thats so funny and totally been there and well still am. welcome to toddlerhood. and belle has those pj's too i jsut got them from childrens place. they are getting huge
oh and i sent in a toy for the toy drive hope it made its way where it needed to go!
Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one going through it! It IS really cool to see them turning into little people though. I LOVE that pic of Charlotte 'the ring leader'. Too funny.
The pictures are adorable!!! You definitely have your hands full!!
I could have written this post! 22 months old over here and I hate to tell ya that it does not get any better! ;o) I'd like to add "no mommy no", belly tantrums on the floor and being slap happy to the list! ;o)
MrsGabbs3Ed (from the Nest)
They are so cute! I cracked up at the third pic Katie really looks like she is trying to explain herself!
this post perfectly describes my life right now. perfectly. isn't it insane how all of a sudden one day you wake up and you have toddlers, when you know for a fact the night before you put babies to bed! i love the pictures, the girls are getting so big and just cuter than ever!
(ps - wow, what a week with the camera and stroller - bummer!)
I love it! I totally agree with you on the ups and downs of toddlerhood. They are FUN and yet drive me crazy, too. At 19 months, though, the good news I can give you is that (to me anyway) I think it just keeps getting better and better. Crazier too. But so amazing and fun.
That picture of Charlotte is too much! Seriously, your little girls are so adorable. I can't help but wonder what I'll be in for once Mo is their ages. Enjoy every little minute!
They weren't THAT bad the other day! Sure Katie cried in the highchair and Charlotte was rifling through some lady's purse behind us, but that is what makes them so charming. Sorry about your stroller :(
My Charlotte is also the ringleader! Must be in the name huh:) Although Maggie can be pretty naughty too! We also have those jammies! I have just about every pair of Carter's footie pj's. :)
What Beautiful girls with GORGEOUS EYES! Oh, todderdum can be insane. Hang on to those diapers, potty training is SO TOUGH! Hugs to you!
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